Trainer | Guest Lecturer | HR Partner

Creating informative and thought-provoking lectures and training.
Supporting your organisation as your People & Culture thought-partner.

I enjoy creating informative and thought-provoking sessions, and individualise my approach to your needs.

Work with me

As a multilingual Coach and People & Culture strategist, I have 20+ years of experience in the areas of People Practices (Human Resources), across a wide spectrum of HR functions, as well as Coaching, and enjoy creating informative and thought-provoking sessions.

As your trainer or guest lecturer, my goal is to provide participants the space to reflect on a given subject and expand their skills through practice, while exploring a variety of perspectives, encouraging independent thinking, and testing own hypothesis and assumptions.

I would also love to join your existing educational and/or organisational programme as an individual Coach, supporting your participants on their learning and growth journey.

As your People & Culture thought-partner, my goal is to closely collaborate with you to create bespoke interventions and solutions that meet your organisational or team needs and concerns. I hate cookie-cutter approaches. Instead, I invest in individualising my approach to your specific situation and context.

Having worked in a variety of local and global roles in the pharmaceutical industry (incl. Novartis & F. Hoffmann-La Roche), as well as the United Nations, and NGOs, I like to stay abreast of the latest developments in my areas of expertise. I am also interested in critical thinking and questioning existing assumptions and “the ways we’ve always done it”.

Areas of focus: Coaching. Leadership development. Employee engagement. Burnout & Mental wellbeing.

Training, Lecturing & Organisational Mandates

Equipping you with the skills to “fish for yourself”.

I’d love to join your school or organisation as a trainer, guest lecturer or People & Culture thought-partner, and explore skill-building and bespoke interventions in my areas of expertise. These include:

Hands-on coaching skills for managers and individual contributors

  • What is coaching? How does it work?
  • Debunking coaching myths
  • Exploring the inherent tensions between coaching and people management
  • Practice – Practice – Practice

Leadership development | Employee engagement

  • What does it mean to be a leader? What does it take to be an effective leader?
  • How do you develop your strengths and manage your weaknesses?
  • What are pros and cons of 360 reviews? How can we make them meaningful?
  • What does employee engagement look like? How could we make employee engagement surveys and initiatives truly impactful?
  • Reward and punishment in the workplace. Lessons from parenting.
  • Feedback at work: to give or not to give.

Burnout & Wellbeing

  • What is wellbeing? What is burnout?
  • What causes burnout?
  • What are strategies to prevent burnout?
  • How can managers and team members thematise burnout and wellbeing in their team?

Many educational and organisational programmes offer coaching as part of their curriculum, as a way to support programme participants on their learning journey.

If you have such a programme, I would be delighted to join you as an individual coach, and support your participants, so they can maximize their learning experience and personal growth.

Past programme experience includes:

  • Leaders and emerging leaders on leadership programmes
  • MBA/Masters students
  • Coaching degree students

Pricing upon request

  • Lecturing and training engagements are always bespoke, and depend on the institutional or organisational goals.
  • Let’s have a chat to understand your needs, timeframe, and how I can support you best.
  • As a reference, my day rate is CHF1’590.-.

How do I get started?

Let’s chat

Book a free 60 min. consultation call using the button below, or contact me through my contact form or via e-mail.
I’d love to learn more about your needs and how I could support you. No strings attached.

Offer & Agreement

Once we’ve agreed to work together, I prepare a bespoke offer to meet your needs and desired outcomes. Often times, the offer would include 2 or more options for you to choose from. Once you’ve selected your preferred option, I would send you an agreement for review and signature.

First session!

We’re all set! We can now commence our collaboration and take it from there.


What my clients say about working with me

"I had the pleasure of having two sessions with Dina as my coach. She was attentive, able to isolate issues and encouraged me with her help to address them. She helped me leave the sessions motivated and ready to make a change in my life!"

Shriya R. — Student — Switzerland, Individual Coaching

"Dina is an absolutely outstanding coach and collaborator. I had the pleasure of working with Dina over several months when she served as a StrenghtFinder coach to my team. Her thoughtful guidance, support, and insights were instrumental for our growth as a newly formed team. Because of Dina's work, we were able to make great strides in increasing connectedness and maximizing the impact of our collective efforts. After assessing our needs, Dina went above and beyond to build tailored individual and group sessions that were incredibly effective for achieving our goals. In addition to her deep knowledge, Dina's warmth and joyful demeanor make her an absolute delight to work with. She's truly one of the best team coaches I've worked with over the past ten years. I whole-heartedly recommend Dina, and can't wait for the opportunity to collaborate with her again."

Eydith Comenenzia Ortiz – Founder & CEO, CONECTA Partners – Team Strengths Coaching

"It was lovely meeting Dina, she has a great energy, is very thoughtful and had some great insights and ideas. We were able to come up with a concrete action plan which I was very happy with, and enthusiastic to start implementing. Dina is strongly empathetic and has a real desire to understand and help people. Highly recommended."

Neil Press – Director in Global Discovery Chemistry – Individual Coaching

"Dina is an inspirational and amazing coach - she helped our dynamic and complex team with strengthfinder workshops - customized for each chapter with great detail and diligence. Dina actively listens to her clients and tailors the programs to create the best value and impact for the team. Her sessions helped us to be a stronger team - and we continued to keep her as our coach as she showed great value. Also, Dina has a great talent in connecting with people and maintaining relationships. I can only highly recommend Dina and believe she will be a great asset to any team."

Aysem Oznel – Patient Partnership Director, F. Hofmann-La Roche – Team Strengths Coaching

"I can highly recommend Dina - as a coach, consultant and mentor. She brings a lot of experience with such a positive attitude. We've had a very interesting and fruitful session. I truly appreciate Dina's empathy, concreteness and openness to experiment. She helped me to reflect and created safe space for me to reconnect with myself and my thoughts."

Marta Zubrewicz – Network Lead, Finance Operations – Individual Coaching

"I had the privilege to have an intense coaching session with Dina on a topic that has been bothering me for weeks, and I could not come to a conclusion. After 60 minutes with Dina and a series of very insightful questions, it became clear. I perceived Dina as being a very resourceful coach, empathetic, clear, structured and if necessary, direct and to the point. She was able to create a trustful atmosphere within minutes."

Gaby Lederer-Ganse – Certified Coach – Individual Coaching

"After two sessions I am impressed by her empathy and ability to combine psychology and coaching! We were able to dive into my personal behavioural patterns in the working environment and analyze the root cause and restructure my perception towards the precessional environment and towards myself. I will gladly join one of her coaching groups given the chance."

Altina-Christina Toraj – IT Project Manager & Scrum Master, F. Hoffmann-La Roche – Individual Coaching

"Dina helped to shape a "strength finder" workshop to carve out individual and collective strengths of our team. Dina offered 1:1 coaching sessions and was a creative partner in designing a fit-for-purpose workshop. Dina was a creative partner looking for the best solution for our setting, the workshop was very well received and had a lasting impact on our team."

Dr. Andreas Weinzierl – Head of Marketing, Roche Switzerland – Team Strengths Coaching

"Thank you for the awesome session we just had! It was extremely insightful and eye opening. I enjoyed it a lot! :)"

A.K.Participant in a Team Strengths Coaching programme

"I enjoyed the introspective journey I embarked on with Dina during my coaching session. Dina's methodology, which delves deep into intrinsic exploration, revealed a clear path forward for me. I endorse Dina's coaching services to anyone facing obstacles in their career journey and seeking clarity on the actions necessary to unlock their full potential."

Diana Lagalante – Communication & Change Manager, HBA EMEA Engagement Board Director – Individual Coaching

"Dina is a very experienced leader, coach and project manager. She’s amazing! I’ve personally benefited from her coaching, which helped me focus and hone my strengths. Dina was also a leader of a team I worked on. How she brought the team energy, spirit and engagement together really brought the most out of each of us as individuals and even more powerfully as a team. I can only highly recommend Dina and hope we have the chance to work together again in the future. "

Eleanor Collins – Global Change Management Office Lead, F. Hoffmann-La Roche – Individual Strengths Coaching

"You make me believe in the power of coaching. Without a single moment of preaching, you managed to make all of us reflect on ourselves, our interactions, and the best way to bring our hard work to a meaningful conclusion."

A.K. – Emergent Leaders Leadership Programme – Team Coaching

"Thank you once again for the excellent strengths coaching session yesterday. I have a lot of new insights and some actions to put in place. If I have any open needs, once I re-review my data, I'll reach out. Thank you very much for your valuable support!"

T.C. – Senior Executive – Individual Strengths Coaching

"Dina is a fabulous coach. With her empathic nature she makes you feel at ease and we quickly had a very open and honest working relationship. Her expertise in writing is very profound. Thank you for your valuable support Dina."

Vanessa Gschwind – Corporate Event Manager – Individual Coaching

"Dina is an extraordinary coach that supported me with very insightful view of how to interpret my Gallup Strengths results. She is very reflected, flexible and open person with lots of positive attitude and great leadership skills. I am very grateful for your help Dina and it is a pleasure to work with you. Thank you again and my highest recommendation! 🙂 "

"Very effective facilitation and very well organized contents. I feel Dina truly cared about providing useful tips for us and her authenticity is very much appreciated. This led to a mutual-trust atmosphere which everyone benefited. Thank you!"

A.F. – Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"Thank you Dina - you were really amazing. Really appreciate all your insights and input and thoughts as well as your positive can do attitude. Great coaching and listening skills. "

Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"Liebe Dina, Ich möchte mich auch bei dir nochmals ganz herzlich für den tollen Workshop bedanken! War super, hat Spass gemacht und ich werde mich bemühen, das mitgenommene umzusetzen! (...) Länge perfekt, Struktur perfekt, Moderation perfekt.... !"

S.H. – Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"In large parts, the workshop felt - in a positive way - like group therapy. Meeting like-minded people who face similar challenges like my own was a true eye-opener to me. Not only did I get useful tips out of the conversations, the entire setup of the group helped me to realise that other people faced similar struggles, insecurities and motivations along their individual paths towards career-change and personal re-invention. In addition, my own contributions to the group might've even been helpful to some of the others as well. I left with my mind in a somewhat calmed state of contentment and a positive attitude towards my future, together with a number of additional contacts of interesting people I would otherwise have never met."

Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"Dina was a great facilitator! Authentic, helpful and lots of expertise and experience to share with the participants - many thanks for this workshop offering!"

Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"Selten einen so guten Workshop gehabt!"

Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"Even if I did not know you before, I can say you are a very special person, I love your voice and the way you speak and the positive spirit that shines through you. Wow, I am always inspired by people like you, and after meeting this kind of people, I have a smile on my face that last the whole day. I wish you all the best for the future! Stay as you are because you have a true impact on people."

Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

"What a great use of my time! Dina was very knowledgeable and focused on my concrete needs. Not only were all of my questions answered, the expert coaching approach was extremely helpful for me to become more self-aware and confident."

Participant in Career Development Coaching, Taiwan

"Dear Dina, thank you so much for your great session, which helped me a lot where I stand now and what I want."

A.P. – Iran – Career Development Coaching

"My 1:1 job application advice was incredibly useful and I received many good recommendations on how to improve my CV and my workday profile. It totally exceeded my expectations."

Participant in Job Application Support session – Grenzach

"Erwartungen übertroffen. Es war klasse, wie kurzfristig und flexibel ich eine Beratung bekommen konnte. Die Beratung selbst war sehr freundlich und motivierend, inhaltlich sehr klar und extrem hilfreich. "

Participant in Job Application Support session – Grenzach

"The short-term coaching with Dina was an enlightening experience. My coach, Dina, has asked me inspiring questions and given me enough time to find the answers to my question by myself. She has also given me the affirmation I need as I step into a role with much uncertainties. Throughout the call, she listened to my problem keenly and has given me plenty of heartwarming encouragement. I was very impressed with her kindness and coaching professionalism."

Participant in Individual Coaching – Hong Kong

"Dear Dina, I'd like to recognize your coaching efforts guiding me through my GallupStrengths assessment results. On our sessions, you helped me a lot putting the information into context and you had great questions making me self-reflect. Ultimately you enabled me to learn about myself & grow. I really appreciate your contribution to it! "
Tamás – Poland – Individual Strengths Coaching session
"Chère Dina, j'ai super apprécié ton coaching et de pouvoir m'ouvrir sur différents aspects de mon profil, cela permet de mieux se connaître et voir comment développer la conscience de nos forces. Je voulais te remercier encore une fois car c'était un moment très passionnant. J aime l’énergie, le côté très solaire de ta personne "

M.R. – France – Individual Strength Coaching session

"Many many thanks for your feedback on my CV and your time! This was more than helpful! I will definitely modify my CV according to your very relevant suggestions!"

F.G. – Switzerland – Job Application Support – CV review

"The coaching sessions with Dina were interesting and extremely helpful in preparing me for my studies and work life. Using different techniques and methods that I didn't know before have helped me to be less stressed about the future and to have a more open and positive perspective. Dina's on one hand warm and at the same time professional manner also made the environment of the coaching sessions very pleasant. I can highly recommend meeting with Dina!"

Alexander Otto – Interdisciplinary Student in Sustainability – France – Career coaching

"I've had several coaching sessions with Dina during the last three years and I can wholeheartedly recommend her coaching services. She is very experienced and does it with passion and a lot of empathy. Thanks Dina!"

F.E. – Business Operations – Individual Coaching

Transitions are the chrysalis from which new life can form… & you don’t need to go through them on your own

Coaching people in transition or in search of meaning is a true passion of mine, because I know that, when we choose to go through that uncomfortable, at times painful, space – that’s when we make the most meaningful shifts in our lives. And it’s a journey we are not meant to take alone. Dina