Group & Team Coaching

Creating a safe and confidential space for participants to reflect, grow, connect with others, and find a sense of community while supporting each other.

In both group and team coaching, the focus is on creating a safe & confidential space to create a sense of community where members can open up, connect with and support each other, and grow in the process.

What is the difference between Group & Team Coaching?

Group and team coaching are similar in many ways. The key difference is in the target audience, and the purpose that brings the group or team together.

In both cases, and as your coach, I help you create a safe space where mutual trust and sharing can take place, so that new awareness, insights, and experiences can be made that can aid in the participants’ onward journey.

While some facilitation, and mentoring or training may be involved, the bulk of the session is focused on coaching the group/team – whereby I hold the space for the group to have the conversation it needs to have to be able to move each other and themselves forward.

In group coaching, we explore a pre-defined theme within a small group over a set period of time. Participants typically do not know each other, but all share an interest in exploring and exchanging around the theme at hand. Themes may include: career transitions, coaching skills, burnout, loss/grief, search for meaning, and more.

In team coaching, I work with organisational, project, cross-functional, and/or intact teams. Using Gallup’s CliftonStrengths online assessment tool, I specialise in Strengths-based Team Development Coaching, so that teams recognise, own, and leverage the diverse strengths within their team for the benefit of their own team’s performance and wider organisational impact. Team sessions are always bespoke to fit your team’s specific situation and needs.

Group Coaching

Providing you with community support, as you embark on your change journey.

For anyone looking for a sense of community,

wanting to explore a topic or embark on a journey in the warm presence and support of others.

Areas of focus & programmes

I tend to run group coaching sessions around the following themes:

  • Managing career transitions
  • Building coaching skills for managers
  • Debunking coaching myths for experienced coaches
  • Burnout prevention
  • Finding your peace with loss/grief
  • Search for meaning

Group coaching sessions may follow one of two formats:

  1. A one-off online workshop, typically of 3-4 hours, which tackles a particular subject. An individual follow-up coaching session with me, your coach, could be organised as needed.
  2. An online program of 6-12 months, whereby a stable group meets at a regular interval to follow-up on each other’s progress, successes and learnings over the course of 6 to 12 months. An individual follow-up coaching session with me, your coach, is usually included as well.

Current workshops and programmes are listed below.

If you have a particular topic that interests you which is not listed, please write to me via the Contact form or via email, and I will be happy to look into it.

    Please check out my upcoming group coaching events below for a detailed description of the events and pricing.

    Can’t afford my rates?

    My intention is to enable all who want to, to be able to benefit from my coaching services, regardless of financial situation, whilst also making it sustainable for me to offer my services. As such, if you are in financial difficulty and/or earn a modest income, please get in touch with me via email to discuss alternatives.

    Upon mutual agreement, and subject to my own availability, some of these alternatives may include:

    • If you earn a modest income, we may be able to find a price that makes sense and keeps both of our hearts open.
    • If you are currently having a challenging period financially, we could agree an individualised payment plan.
    • I am also open to brainstorming other ways you can contribute – a type of “barter” service 🙂 – should this be appropriate.

    Money should not be a barrier for someone to receive quality coaching. So, if you can’t afford my rates but would like to work with me, reach out!

    Group Coaching Satisfaction Guarantee

    • If you are unhappy with the Group Coaching event/programme and feel that it does not meet the description given on the website or event flyer, AND
    • if you notify me by the end of the first group coaching session,
    • a discretionary refund may be given to you for the Group Coaching event/programme, which may be a partial refund or a full refund of the total amount paid for the Group Coaching event/programme, depending on the reasons cited.

    CliftonStrengths Team Coaching

    Improve your team’s performance by harnessing each member’s natural talents and strengths.

    In team coaching, I work with organisational, project, cross-functional, and/or intact teams.

    Using Gallup’s CliftonStrengths online assessment tool, I specialise in Strengths-based Team Development Coaching, so that teams recognise, own, and leverage the diverse strengths within their team for the benefit of their own team’s performance and wider organisational impact. Team sessions are always bespoke to fit your team’s specific situation and needs.

    I specialise in Strengths-based Team Development Coaching and work with organisational project, cross-functional and intact teams.

    My team strengths coaching offerings are always bespoke, and tailored to fit your team’s specific situation and needs. Having said that, I am often asked about what a “possible scenario” could look like – so here it is.

    Possible scenario / Strengths-based Team Development Coaching:

    1. The process always starts with a briefing with the team leader, and if needed the sponsor, to understand the team’s context and goal of coaching intervention. This is also when we assess if a strengths-based team coaching is the right intervention for the team.
    2. Based on the briefing, a bespoke coaching package proposal is made for the leader to review and share with his/her team members to get buy-in from them that they are willing to take that journey. If need be, the coach may be invited to a team session, to answer any questions or concerns the team may have.
    3. Every team member, including leader, take the CliftonStrengths assessment online.
    4. In an ideal world, and if using the full 34 strengths report, this is followed by a 1:1 coaching session for each team member, incl. leader, where we explore the person’s individual report in depth, to make sure they fully understand and own the results of their report. This is a crucial step in my view to ensure psychological safety and a smooth running of the team workshops later on.
    5.  If 1:1 sessions are not possible, we would hold an online group Q&A session instead where members can ask questions about their themes and test results. 
    6. Once the 1:1 / Q&A sessions have taken place, the team workshop(s) can take place. The length, frequency and specific content of these is always very different depending on the team’s size, context and goals.

    If you wish to learn more about my strengths team coaching work, and if I’m the right coach for you, please write me via the Contact form or via e-mail. I look forward to connecting with you.

    Pricing upon request

    • Team strengths workshops, using CliftonStrengths assessment, can range from a 2-hour teaser session to a multi-day intervention – depending on your needs and where you are at on your strengths journey.
    • Let’s have a chat to understand your needs, timeframe, and how I can support you best.
    • As a general reference, my day rate is CHF1’590.-.

    Current Group Coaching Events

    Foundations Coaching Skills Training for Managers (Part 1)

    Join our Community below to stay informed of upcoming dates.

    Online // 1x half-day workshop
    08.30 – 12.30 CET

    CHF 299.- per person

    View flyer for more details

    Essentials in coaching skills

    Wondering what coaching is, and what it means to use coaching skills as a manager? Looking for a safe space where you can practice your coaching skills and get feedback? Look no more!

    This experiential workshop will provide you with coaching foundations you can immediately put to practice in your workplace (and private life).

    Maximum 8 participants
    (a minimum of 4 participants is required to run the workshop)

    Foundations Coaching Skills Training for Managers (Part 2)

    Join our Community below to stay informed of upcoming dates.

    Online // 1x half-day workshop
    08.30 – 12.30 CET

    CHF 299.- per person

    View flyer for more details

    Exploring the tensions between the leader as a coach & a manager

    Many organisations are encouraging their leaders and people managers to act as coaches for their team members, and to attend coaching training programmes. However, few of these programmes tackle the inherent tensions and polarities that arise for leaders who try to “be a coach”.

    This experiential workshop will give you the opportunity to reflect on the power dynamic inherent to most manager/subordinate relationships, and how to find your own personal path to managing the ensuing tensions.

    Maximum 8 participants
    (a minimum of 4 participants is required to run the workshop)

    PS: If you have had prior coaching training, you may book this session without having attended Part 1. If in doubt, please reach out

    Time for a career change. Now what?

    Join our Community below to stay informed of upcoming dates.

    Online // 2x half-day workshops
    08.30 – 12.30 CET 

    CHF 399.- per person


    View flyer for more details

    Are you in the midst of a career change?

    Maybe you find yourself having to look for a new role? Or maybe you feel in a rut and are looking for a new challenge? Or maybe you see your current company’s transformation as an opportunity to do what you always dreamt to do?

    Join me and your fellow participants during this interactive workshop, as we explore together your interests, strengths, hopes, and fears. You will leave with meaningful insights, a renewed sense of hope, motivation to take the next step(s), and new connections

    Maximum 8 participants
    (a minimum of 4 participants is required to run the workshop)

    CV writing workshop

    Join our Community below to stay informed of upcoming dates.

    Online // 1x half-day workshop
    08.30 – 12.30 CET

    CHF 299.- per person

    View flyer for more details

    Ever wondered what recruiters are looking for when scanning your CV? Want to increase your CV’s impact when applying to a job you really want?

    Join me on this hands-on workshop, where you will not only get tips and tricks for an impactful CV; you will also have the opportunity to work on your CV in “real time” and get feedback.

    You will also receive examples of CV templates you can use, action verbs, as well as online links to CV building sites.

    Maximum 8 participants
    (a minimum of 4 participants is required to run the workshop)

    “Man’s search for meaning”: a 12-month programme

    Join our Community below to stay informed of upcoming dates.

    Online // over 12 months
    detailed schedule tbc

    CHF 2’990.- per person


    View flyer for more details

    “(…) the true meaning of life is to be discovered in the world rather than within man or his own psyche (…) the meaning of life always changes, but it never ceases to be.” — Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search For Meaning, p.115

    With great power, comes great responsbility. This programme is geared towards senior executives, board members, or other people in a position of power, who are of Christian faith.

    If you are experiencing value-driven tensions at work, and wish to find greater meaning in your life and the work you do, while looking for ways to reconcile some of these tensions for the benefit of the people they serve, this programme is for you!

    Over the next 12 months, we will dive into what it means for you to lead a meaningful life, and what steps you may wish to take to get there.

    The programme includes:

    • 9 group online sessions (2-3 hours each)
    • 3 individual coaching sessions (60-90 minutes each)
    • A maximum of 8 participants per cohort
    • Reading materials, and other relevant resources
    • 1 (optional) group follow-up session of 60 min.

    Our search for meaning is a life-long endeavour, and I hope that this programme can be a guide to you and a companion as you set out on your journey.

    A minimum of 4 participants is required to run the programme.

    I am currently drafting the detailed programme schedule. Interested in the programme? Want to learn more? Just send me a message using the “Tell me more” button.

    How do I get started?

    Free 60 min. chat

    Book a free 60-minute video call, using the button below or through my contact form or via e-mail. Just a relaxed conversation to find out more about each other and what working together could look like. No strings attached.

    Sign up

    For group coaching, simply sign-up online on the desired event listed above. Don’t see your desired programme listed? Just e-mail me.

    For team coaching, I’ll send you a bespoke offer based on your needs and brief. Once signed, we can plan the logistics of it all.

    First session!

    You’re all set! We can now have our first session and take it from there.


    What my clients say about working with me


    "Dina is an absolutely outstanding coach and collaborator. I had the pleasure of working with Dina over several months when she served as a StrenghtFinder coach to my team. Her thoughtful guidance, support, and insights were instrumental for our growth as a newly formed team. Because of Dina's work, we were able to make great strides in increasing connectedness and maximizing the impact of our collective efforts. After assessing our needs, Dina went above and beyond to build tailored individual and group sessions that were incredibly effective for achieving our goals. In addition to her deep knowledge, Dina's warmth and joyful demeanor make her an absolute delight to work with. She's truly one of the best team coaches I've worked with over the past ten years. I whole-heartedly recommend Dina, and can't wait for the opportunity to collaborate with her again."

    Eydith Comenenzia Ortiz – Founder & CEO, CONECTA Partners – Team Strengths Coaching

    "Dina is an inspirational and amazing coach - she helped our dynamic and complex team with strengthfinder workshops - customized for each chapter with great detail and diligence. Dina actively listens to her clients and tailors the programs to create the best value and impact for the team. Her sessions helped us to be a stronger team - and we continued to keep her as our coach as she showed great value. Also, Dina has a great talent in connecting with people and maintaining relationships. I can only highly recommend Dina and believe she will be a great asset to any team."

    Aysem Oznel – Patient Partnership Director, F. Hoffmann-La Roche – Team Strengths Coaching

    "Dina helped to shape a "strength finder" workshop to carve out individual and collective strengths of our team. Dina offered 1:1 coaching sessions and was a creative partner in designing a fit-for-purpose workshop. Dina was a creative partner looking for the best solution for our setting, the workshop was very well received and had a lasting impact on our team."

    Dr. Andreas Weinzierl – Head of Marketing, Roche Switzerland – Team Strengths Coaching

    "Thank you for the awesome session we just had! It was extremely insightful and eye opening. I enjoyed it a lot! :)"

    A.K.Participant in a Team Strengths Coaching programme

    "You make me believe in the power of coaching. Without a single moment of preaching, you managed to make all of us reflect on ourselves, our interactions, and the best way to bring our hard work to a meaningful conclusion."

    A.K. – Emergent Leaders Leadership Programme – Team Coaching

    "Very effective facilitation and very well organized contents. I feel Dina truly cared about providing useful tips for us and her authenticity is very much appreciated. This led to a mutual-trust atmosphere which everyone benefited. Thank you!"

    A.F.Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "Thank you Dina - you were really amazing. Really appreciate all your insights and input and thoughts as well as your positive can do attitude. Great coaching and listening skills. "

    Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "Liebe Dina, Ich möchte mich auch bei dir nochmals ganz herzlich für den tollen Workshop bedanken! War super, hat Spass gemacht und ich werde mich bemühen, das mitgenommene umzusetzen! (...) Länge perfekt, Struktur perfekt, Moderation perfekt.... !"

    S.H. – Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "In large parts, the workshop felt - in a positive way - like group therapy. Meeting like-minded people who face similar challenges like my own was a true eye-opener to me. Not only did I get useful tips out of the conversations, the entire setup of the group helped me to realise that other people faced similar struggles, insecurities and motivations along their individual paths towards career-change and personal re-invention. In addition, my own contributions to the group might've even been helpful to some of the others as well. I left with my mind in a somewhat calmed state of contentment and a positive attitude towards my future, together with a number of additional contacts of interesting people I would otherwise have never met."

    Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "Dina was a great facilitator! Authentic, helpful and lots of expertise and experience to share with the participants - many thanks for this workshop offering!"

    Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "Selten einen so guten Workshop gehabt!"

    Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”

    "Even if I did not know you before, I can say you are a very special person, I love your voice and the way you speak and the positive spirit that shines through you. Wow, I am always inspired by people like you, and after meeting this kind of people, I have a smile on my face that last the whole day. I wish you all the best for the future! Stay as you are because you have a true impact on people."

    Participant in Group Coaching session: “Time for a career change. Now what?”